
I’m Sara

I’m an Author Accelerator Certified Book Coach, and I’m here to help you achieve your dream of becoming an author. I’ll be the voice that encourages you, that tells you that you’ve got this. I’ll also be the one who says things like, “let’s talk about this plotline,” and “can you get more emotion on the page?” As an author myself, I know what it takes to get your novel completed, and I’ll be here for you every step of the way.


I work with dreamers.

Remember when you were a child, and you always wanted to write a book? You used to scribble stories in notebooks and have conversations with your characters in your head.

But life got in the way. You had a career that took up all of your time, children who needed you. There wasn’t enough of you left over, there wasn’t enough time and energy. Your dream was just a dream.

Things have changed. Maybe you’ve retired, maybe you have an empty nest. Maybe you finally have some free time, time for yourself, and you hear your characters whispering again.

Let me help you coax your dream into reality.


My Approach


Sharing your work with strangers can be scary and intimidating. Offering your writing for critique can be a painful process. My goal is to encourage you, with gentle feedback. I’m critical, but I’m nice about it.


I’m a certified book coach, and I’m an author myself. I’ve published five novels. I know how to write a book start to finish, and I’m here to guide where you need to go. Are you starting with an idea? I can help you turn it into a novel. Do you have a finished draft and don’t know what to do next? Hire me for a manuscript review. I can help.


I’m a coach because I love it. I get excited about your work, and your ideas. I’m not here to ghostwrite, I’m here to cheer for you, encourage you, and celebrate with you when you finally have a copy of your novel in your hands.

1:1 Single Coaching Session

Ready to try working with a book coach? Check out my packages for first timers.

These bite-sized packages will help you decide if coaching is right for you.


    Manuscript Evaluation

    Do you have a complete manuscript, but something about it isn’t working? Are you ready for a deep dive?

      Ongoing support

      Do you need regular deadlines? 

      With month to month coaching, I’ll be there for you as you write. 


      "Sara’s editorial letter provided me a clear roadmap as I started revisions on my manuscript. Where she noted problems with the plot, she provided concrete suggestions I could implement. Most helpful for me was Sara’s feedback on how to improve interiority and bring my character’s emotions and motivation onto the page. At the end, I had a stronger manuscript and more confidence in my writing."

      – Claudia Armann

      "Sara’s feedback was prompt, detailed, and incredibly insightful. She was able to see through my half-formed ideas to a much more polished story, and she asked great questions that helped me grow a fully-fleshed story."

      – Kathleen Basi, Author



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