Introductory Packages

First Look

Are you a new writer who has never been brave enough to show your work to anyone? This is for you. 

Send me your first 2500 words.

You will get:

  • Three positive things you’re doing well
  • Three next steps
  • One twenty minute zoom call

This is not a critique. This is a welcome. Showing your work for the first time is always difficult and nerve wracking. Let me help start you out on a positive and encouraging note.



First Ten Pages (2500 words)
+ Mini Blueprint

 Ready to try book coaching but not sure you’re all in?

I’ll send you the Author Accelerator mini-blueprint to fill out. This one-page document will help you dial in on the key elements of your novel. Fill it out and get it back to me with your first 2500 words.

You will get:

  • Inline comments on your 2500 words
  • A forty-five minute zoom call to discuss your mini blueprint and next steps 


Manuscript Evaluations

First Fifty Pages (12,500 words)
  • Inline comments throughout the document
  • An editorial letter
  • 45 minute zoom meeting to discuss the feedback and next steps
  • $300


Full Manuscript
  • Ideal for someone with a completed manuscript that is fairly polished
  • Inline comments throughout the document
  • An editorial letter
  • One hour zoom meeting to discuss the feedback, next steps, and brainstorming
  • .02 per word, minimum $500
  • Example 80,000 words = $1600


Ongoing Coaching

One Hour Brainstorming
  • For previous/current clients only
  • A one hour zoom meeting to help you get unstuck 
  • Does not include pages review


Monthly Coaching
  • Minimum 3 month commitment 
  • 2 Deadlines per month
  • Submit up to 20 pages per deadline and receive inline feedback
  • Two thirty minute zoom meetings to discuss the feedback, next steps, and brainstorming


What genres do you work with?

I love working with women’s fiction, contemporary romance (any steam level), and thrillers, especially female-led domestic thrillers.

I love multi-POV, dual timelines, unreliable narrators, and dark secrets.

I’m not a good fit for sci-fi or fantasy, but I can refer you to another coach.

I’m also not a good fit for anything heavily religious, or anything with anti-LGBTQ themes.

What software do I need?

If we’re doing a manuscript evaluation, you can send me your materials in Word or Google Docs. If we’re doing ongoing coaching, I can set up Google Drive folder to share with you, so we can keep all of your documents organized.

We’ll do our meetings over Zoom; I’ll send you a link. You don’t need to have a Zoom account or have it installed on your computer, it will work through your internet browser.

Do you guarantee that I can get published?

Of course not. Anyone who does guarantee that is also likely to turn around and try to sell you a package with a vanity press: guaranteed publication, for a price.

Publishing is a competitive industry. I’ll help you figure out what you need to do, if you’d like to try trad publishing, hybrid presses, or indie publishing.


Do I have to have publishing as an end goal?

No. I love working with indie authors who are planning to self-publish, but I also love working with hobbyists. Here’s a secret: you can write a book for fun. You don’t have to publish, and if you do publish, you don’t have to market. This can be something you’re doing for yourself.



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